Browsing by Author Wong, Shu Fen

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Journal of the National Comprehensive Cancer Network - 2016 - A discrete choice experiment to examine the preferences of patients with cancer and their willingness to pay for different types.pdf.jpg2016A discrete choice experiment to examine the preferences of patients with cancer and their willingness to pay for different types of health care appointmentsWong, Shu Fen; Norman, Richard; Dunning, Trisha Lynette; Ashley, David Michael; Khasraw, Mustafa, et alJournal Article 
2015Tailored neoadjuvant epirubicin and cyclophosphamide (EC) and nanoparticle albumin bound (nab)-paclitaxel for newly diagnosed breast cancer (BC).Khasraw, Mustafa; Mukaro, Violet; West, Linda; Brandt, Conrad; Woollett, Anne Maree, et alConference Paper 
2014Tailored neoadjuvant epirubicin and cyclophosphamide and nanoparticle albumin bound (nab)-paclitaxel for newly diagnosed breast cancerKhasraw, Mustafa; West, Linda; Duan, Wei; Mukaro, Violet; Harvey, Sandra, et alConference Paper