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Journal Title: Concordance and acceptability of electric stimulation therapy: a randomised controlled trial
Authors: Miller, C.
McGuiness, W.
Wilson, S.
Cooper, K.
Swanson, Terry
Rooney, D.
Piller, N.
Woodward, M.
SWH Author: Swanson, Terry
Keywords: Electric Stimulation Therapy
Wound Care
Issue Date: 2017
Date Accessioned: 2023-03-17T04:57:07Z
Date Available: 2023-03-17T04:57:07Z
Format Startpage: 508-513
Source Volume: 26
Issue Number: 8
DOI: 10.12968/jowc.2017.26.8.508
Abstract: OBJECTIVE: A pilot single-blinded randomised controlled trial (RCT) was conducted to examine concordance with and acceptability of electric stimulation therapy (EST) in patients with venous leg ulcers (VLUs) who had not tolerated moderate to high compression. METHOD: Participants were randomised to the intervention group (n=15) or a placebo control group (n=8) in which EST was used four times daily for 20 minutes per session. Participants were monitored for eight weeks during which time concordance with the treatment and perceptions of the treatment were assessed. RESULTS: Concordance with the total recommended treatment time was 71.4% for the intervention group and 82.9% for the control group; a difference that was not statistically significant. Participants rated EST as acceptable (84.6% intervention; 83.3% control), only two participants, both from the placebo control group, would not be willing to use EST again. The majority considered EST easier to use than compression (68.4%). CONCLUSION: EST was a practical and acceptable treatment among people who have been unable to tolerate moderate to high compression therapy.
Journal Title: Journal of Wound Care
Type: Journal Article
Appears in Collections:SWH Staff Publications

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